World Habitat Day
More than 30 years ago, the United Nations General Assembly took an important step in promoting the idea that everyone deserves a decent place to live by declaring that the first Monday in October would be World Habitat Day. On Monday, Oct. 3, 2016, Habitat for Humanity joins with our partners around the world to […]
Whisky and Waves with the MCS, Edinburgh
When: Wednesday 26th October 2016 from 12 noon (9pm finish). Where: Held at the RZSS Edinburgh Zoo. An afternoon and evening of talks and discussion with invited guests from the field of marine conservation - fisheries and aquaculture, protected areas, pollution, citizen science and more. Expert views, debate, meet people, films. Speakers include Doug Allan (BBC Blue […]
Exploring a Big Digital Future for Water and the Environment: Birmingham, UK
This event will bring together the water and the environment sector with technology professionals, where together in a workshop style event attendees will explore what benefit big data analytics, high performance computing, cognitive computing, and visualisation can have in the water and the environment sector. This will develop a programme of hackathon style events for […]
North Sea Open Science Conference: Ostend, Belgium
The North Sea Open Science Conference 2016 #NSOSC16: Get a state-of-the-art overview of the North Sea environment and actively discuss its current and future management with all key actors! Oceans and seas are of capital importance to their bordering countries and beyond. This particularly holds true for the North Sea surrounded by heavily populated and industrialised […]
Coastal Partnerships Network – Annual Form 2016
The Coastal Partnerships Network Annual Forum is the national continuing professional development event for Coastal Partnership Officers, members of their Steering Groups or Boards and partner representatives. It provides up to date information on the latest legislation and key issues affecting or affected by coastal management and helps to showcase different aspects of the work of coastal partnerships […]
Course on Risk Assessment of Environmental Noise Impacts, Denmark
DHI is running another course on Risk Assessment of Environmental Noise Impacts, which is available for booking. You are a marine industry manager or a regulator or scientist, student or just an interested person who wants to know more about the impact of underwater sound on marine mammals and other marine life. You want to […]
Conference: Using Dredge Materials and Other “Wastes” to Benefit our Coasts
In the UK, many stakeholders wish to see a greater importance being placed on the beneficial use of dredged sediment and other “waste materials” in the coastal zone. Opportunities are increasingly being sought for protecting coastal habitats with saltmarsh recharge, enhancing coast protection through beach nourishment and for construction fill in reclamation projects. There are […]
Good Practice Stakeholder Participation Training
The emphasis of our intensive 3-day courses are to equip you with the necessary skills to design and run effective participation processes either in a research context or in live participation projects. Within a research context, exchanging stakeholder and researcher knowledge across disciplines and interests is crucial to delivering impact and making your research relevant. […]